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  • Zdjęcie autoraAlmi

A warning for Poles travelling to Croatia by car

On Tuesday, July 30, in the afternoon, a message appeared on the official Facebook profile of the Embassy of the Republic of Poland in Zagreb, which alerts that unfair practices in roadside assistance services are still taking place.

"We inform you that the Croatian Auto Club (HAK) warns about fake roadside assistance services. Throughout the Republic of Croatia, on the A1 motorway towards the Adriatic, especially on the Ogulin - Gospić section, dishonest companies offering towing services operate, especially in the summer months, significantly overestimating the costs of transport and repairs," the message reads.

Officials also add that "In the event of a breakdown, use only the renowned roadside assistance of the Croatian Auto Club (HAK - Hrvatski autoklub: tel. 1987 or from abroad +385 1 1987; +385 1 4693 700), preferably after contacting the insurer (we recommend having an appropriate "Assistance" policy). All roadside assistance vehicles of companies associated with HAK are yellow and have HAK markings. - writes the Polish Embassy in Zagreb.

source -, Polish Embassy in Croatia


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