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Agnieszka Romaszewska fired from TV Belsat

Agnieszka Romaszewska worked for many years at TVP, and for the last 17 years she was the director of TV Biełsat.

Agnieszka Romaszewska. photo: youtube

 "I have just been fired after 17 years from Belsat and after 32 years from TVP," wrote Agnieszka Romaszewska on social media. Romaszewska did not agree to cut the budget by almost half.

— Belsat has long been not just a television channel, but has become a multimedia enterprise employing about 300 people, transmitting information not only to Belarus, but also to Russia - emphasized Agnieszka Romaszewska, pointing out that in 2023 Belsat had a budget of PLN 74 million PLN (63 million from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and 11 million from TVP). This year, its budget was to be limited to PLN 40 million.

The former director of Belsat wrote on social media:

“I was originally offered dismissal from Belsat (and TVP) at my own request and with a golden parachute (i.e. on extremely favorable terms). I didn't agree to this. I was also told that the station's budget was to be cut by 47%. and this is the decision of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. The station is to be split up, which means that Russian-language programs will probably be transferred to TVP World," wrote Agnieszka Romaszewska.


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