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Are you planning a trip to Italy? - be sure to read

Are you planning a trip to Italy? We have some tips and information for you that will make your trip easier and help you cope with difficult situations.

Planning a trip to Italy? - definitely read, photo: Embassy of the Republic of Poland in Italy

If you want your stay in Italy to be problem-free, remember this:

  • To enter Italy, you must have an ID card (the mObywatel application is not accepted) or a passport - this also applies to children.

  • If you have an ID card and a passport, consider traveling with both documents in two different places. If one is stolen, you will be able to use the other to return to your place of residence

  • Beware of thieves! Keep an eye on your documents, valuables and money. Do not keep them in one place. In public places, always keep an eye on your bag or luggage. Sometimes, putting your bag on the sidewalk or the bench you are sitting on is enough to get robbed. Thefts in tourist spots happen very often

  • Do not leave any luggage or bags in the car in a visible place. Do not leave money, documents or valuables (computers, phones) in the vehicle at all. If your luggage must be left in the car overnight - park in a well-lit, monitored area

  • If you lose your documents or become a victim of a crime, immediately report the matter to the nearest Carabinieri or Police Station

  • Before travelling, collect your EHIC card from your National Health Fund branch - it will allow you to obtain free necessary medical assistance in emergencies. If you need to go to a hospital in Rome or the surrounding area - check the number of people waiting in individual facilities on the website - . You can look for paid medical assistance in Polish among Polish doctors working in Italy -> list

  • The emergency number is 112

  • If you intend to use mobile internet and phone calls, check with your operator that you have international roaming enabled

  • If you are arriving by car, remember that in the centres of many Italian cities there is a restricted traffic zone, which cannot be entered without a pass. Parking spaces marked with blue lines are subject to a fee. Most motorways in Italy are subject to a fee (you pay at the gates in cash or by card). Fines for speeding are high. In many places there are speed cameras and sectional speed measurement - tickets also reach Poland

  • Consider buying additional insurance, e.g. flight cancellation or delay insurance, medical insurance (to be able to use the services of private doctors), or car assistance

  • Secure additional funds in case you need to buy a new ticket in exchange for a cancelled flight

  • In Italy, earthquakes occur (pay attention to the seismic activity around Naples), extensive fires and other natural disasters. Do not go to areas affected by danger, and if you are there - strictly follow the recommendations of the services. Follow local media and the accounts of the Polish Embassy in Rome and the Polish Consulate General in Milan on Facebook and Twitter.

Before traveling, register in the Odyseusz system. Thanks to this, in an emergency situation, it will be possible to contact you or the person you indicate. Registering your trip at will only take you a moment!


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