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The Copper-Roof Palace is a unique building on the map of Warsaw's architectural monuments.

This late Baroque building, which was given its final touch by Jakub Fontana, was the residence of one of the most distinguished statesmen of the period at the turn of the 18th and 19th centuries – Prince Józef Poniatowski.

The Copper-Roof Palace, photo: Royal Castle

The first building in Warsaw covered with a copper roof quickly gained a reputation as one of the most famous social salons in the capital, a place of lavish receptions and boisterous entertainments, a setting for courtly romances and moral scandals. Artistic life also flourished here – theatrical performances were held and music resounded.

After the prince took over as the Minister of War of the Duchy of Warsaw, the palace also became the main headquarters of the army of that country. During this period, Napoleon Bonaparte himself stayed within its walls during his 40-day stay at the Royal Castle at the turn of 1806 and 1807.

The Copper-Roof Palace is one of the few architectural treasures in Warsaw whose original shape survived the Nazi bombings. Over the years, the building has mainly served administrative and representative functions, but after a general renovation in 2004–2008, it was incorporated into the museum complex of the Royal Castle in Warsaw.

On the first floor of the palace, there is the Prince Józef Poniatowski Apartment, whose rooms have been restored to their original architectural layout, and thanks to the accumulation of many valuable historical artifacts and works of art, it was possible to recreate the atmosphere of the greatest splendor of the prince's residence. On the ground floor of the building, there is a unique collection of oriental carpets from the collection of the Teresa Sahakian Foundation, unique on a global scale.

source - Royal Castle



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