In reaction to unconfirmed media reports, GIS informs that no new restrictions or mandatory preventive actions are planned in the near future.
COVID-19 Statement of the Chief Sanitary Inspector, photo: GIS
Epidemic situation
Indicators of increased SARS-CoV-2 activity have been observed in the European region since May 2024. The pace of growth of the current wave of infections varies depending on the country, but in general the current wave began about 4-6 weeks earlier than in 2023.
In Poland, a clear increase in the number of infections has been recorded since July 2024, while the dynamics of the disease is comparable to last year. New SARS-CoV-2 OMICRON variants dominate (subvariants JN.1 and KP.3). There is currently no basis for claiming that they are associated with increased severity of infection or significantly reduce the effectiveness of vaccines. The group most at risk of complications and hospitalization are people aged 65 and older and patients with chronic comorbidities.
Actions of public authorities
The Minister of Health, Chief Sanitary Inspector, National Consultants and other experts and research institutes are actively monitoring the current situation and working on joint recommendations. The changing epidemiological situation makes it necessary to prepare the healthcare system for increased burdens related to higher morbidity, as well as to increase public knowledge and awareness of vaccinations and non-pharmacological methods of limiting virus transmission in the population.
We remind you that the previous recommendations and recommendations for actions with proven effectiveness in limiting the transmission of respiratory viruses (including coronaviruses, influenza, RSV) have not changed and include:
vaccination in risk groups with available vaccines;
home isolation of people with confirmed infection for the period of persisting symptoms, unless they require medical assistance;
possibility of a medical consultation in the form of a teleconsultation;
performance of a rapid diagnostic test (antigen test) at home or during a medical consultation;
maintaining distance in contact with a sick person;
covering the mouth and nose when coughing and sneezing with a disposable tissue, possibly in the crook of the elbow;
protecting the nose and mouth with a medical mask by infected people who are in closed rooms with other people without the possibility of maintaining a distance (e.g. waiting room in a clinic, pharmacy);
protecting the nose and mouth with a medical mask by uninfected people staying in closed rooms where there is a risk of close contact with an infected person;
more frequent hand hygiene, especially after contact with surfaces that may have been contaminated with infectious material (e.g. handrails, switches, door handles, basket handles).
The above recommendations are recommendations and, contrary to sensational media reports, are not new and do not imply any restrictions. The recommendations are not obligatory, and their application should be adapted to the level of risk of infection.
Compliance with the above principles in everyday life is an expression of responsibility and care for the health of all of us.
source - GIS