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Crossing borders - Border Guard information guide

The Border Guard has posted information on its website regarding the obligations that await people who want to cross the border of the Republic of Poland. It is worth reading, the information applies to both Poles and foreigners.

Border crossing, photo: SG

Citizens of the Republic of Poland

The document entitling citizens of the Republic of Poland to cross the border is - depending on the direction of travel - an identity card or passport.

There is no border control at the internal border (with Germany, the Czech Republic, Slovakia, Lithuania, in seaports and airports), and the land section of the internal border can be crossed at any place and at any time. When traveling within the Schengen area, you must have a valid document confirming your identity and citizenship - an identity card or passport. This obligation also applies to children. A driving license, school or student ID, birth certificate or certificate of submission of an application for a passport or identity card are not documents confirming identity!

A passport is required to cross the external border. In the case of some third countries, a visa is also required. Before traveling outside the Schengen area, check whether the country you are traveling to does not require Polish citizens to have visas. Detailed and up-to-date information for travelers, specifying the rules for entry to individual countries, can be found on the MFA website at the following link:


Citizens of Schengen countries have the right to freely enter the territory of another country in the zone. However, they must have a document confirming their identity and citizenship in order to document that they are exercising the right to free travel.

To enter the territory of Schengen countries, third-country nationals must meet certain conditions, i.e.:

  • have a valid travel document and a visa, if one is required for citizens of a given country,

  • specify the purpose of the trip,

  • have adequate funds for the period of stay and return,

  • must not be listed in the SIS system as an undesirable person or a threat to public order.

Detailed information on procedures regulating the entry, stay and departure of foreigners from the territory of Poland can be found on the website, launched by the Office for Foreigners. The portal allows you to complete many formalities online. It is available in seven language versions - Polish, English, Ukrainian, Russian, French, Vietnamese and Arabic.

source - SG


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