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Cum Invocarem

This upcoming Friday, June 14th, a concert with works by Grzegorz Gerwazy Gorczycki will take place. The Polish Royal Opera, the Royal Castle in Warsaw – Ballroom invites you to this event full of sound.

During the concert, you will be able to hear:
Marta Boberska soprano
Iwona Lubowicz soprano
Daniel Oktawian Piotrowski countertenor
Bartosz Gorzkowski tenor
Dawid Biwo bass
Chamber Choir of the Polish Royal Opera
Ensemble of period instruments of the Polish Royal Opera Capella Regia Polona

Cum Invocarem - concert, photo: Polish Royal Opera

The activity of Grzegorz Gerwazy Gorczycki, one of the most outstanding composers of old Poland, falls in the first half of the 18th century. The comprehensively educated clergyman and composer served as the bandmaster at the Wawel Cathedral from 1698 until his death. The richness of the liturgies celebrated in this church inspired the creation of new works intended primarily for his vocal and instrumental ensemble. One of Gorczycki's most magnificent achievements is the ceremonial Completorium, in which the virtuosity of the concertato style of the psalms contrasts with homophonic antiphons, and the whole is characterized by the excellent reflection of the content of the text in refined music.


"Pekiel, a noble organist, Good with him a componist"


- wrote Adam Jarzębski in his 1643 guidebook entitled Gościniec or a Short Description of Warsaw. Bartłomiej Pękiel, who took over as bandmaster at Wawel 40 years before Gorczycki, became famous mainly as a creator of religious music – diverse in terms of both content and form. He masterfully used the means of style developed by old masters, and he also willingly reached for the latest achievements of contemporary musical art. An absolute pearl in terms of the use of modern concert technique is his polychoral Missa concertata La Lombardesca. The contrasting solo, ensemble, choral and instrumental fragments delight with their richness of invention, while maintaining motivic coherence within the entire cycle.


source - Polish Royal Opera, Marta Dziewanowska-Pachowska



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