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Dorota Gawryluk and the presidential elections. Polsat issued a statement

On Monday, Polsat Television issued a statement in which it firmly denies the rumors circulating for several months about Dorota Gawryluk's possible run in the next presidential elections. This is the station's first such clear reaction to these speculations.

Dorota Gawryluk in the Lepsza Polska program (photo: YouTube)

The statement does not contain the direct position of the journalist herself.


The first reports about Dorota Gawryluk's political aspirations appeared in February this year, when Polityka Insight suggested that the presenter might have presidential ambitions. This information was then reproduced by other media. For example, "Super Express" reported that Gawryluk was planning a trip to the USA, where she would undergo training in creating a political image.

Polsat's reaction

For four months, Polsat avoided a clear position on this matter. Only in the latest statement did the station firmly deny any speculations, calling them actions "going beyond standard, decent and fair competition." The statement also stated that including Gawryluk's name in the polls is "manipulation."

"What we can assure you is that journalists working at Polsat will not run in the presidential, parliamentary or local government elections," we read in a statement posted on the Polsat News website.

No clear declarations

Dorota Gawryluk commented on these reports in an ambiguous way for a long time. In February, in an interview with "Gazeta Wyborcza", she denied that she planned to run, but later avoided clear answers. In April, in an interview with, she stated that she was unable to clearly define her plans for the future.

"The whole problem is that today I am required to make a clear 'yes' or 'no' declaration, while I am unable to make it, and not only when it comes to this issue regarding my plans. Who knows what the future will bring," said the presenter.

Journalist on Instagram

Last Friday, Dorota Gawryluk published a statement on her Instagram, where she assured that she "does not participate in talks with any political party about running for any positions." Despite this, the lack of clear declarations from the presenter still leaves some margin for speculation about her future plans.

Polsat's statement ends speculations about Dorota Gawryluk's presidential ambitions, at least for now. The station assures that its journalists will not engage in politics, which should calm down the media situation around the presenter. However, the lack of clear declarations by Gawryluk herself means that this topic may return in the future.

Source: Polsat


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