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European Elections: How many MEPs from member states?

The composition of the European Parliament will increase after the June European elections.


In the next term of the European Parliament, France, Spain and the Netherlands will have two more MEPs. One more Poland, Belgium, Austria, Denmark, Finland, Slovakia, Ireland, Slovenia and Latvia.

Poland previously had 52 deputies, now it will have 53.

In September 2023, MEPs approved the decision of the European Council to increase the number of seats in the European Parliament by 15, i.e. to 720, for the next term of office 2024-2029.

The European Council's proposal was based on Parliament's proposal recommending the addition of 11 seats.

EU law allows for a maximum of 750 MEPs plus the president. The number of seats per country is determined before each European election.

The allocation of seats takes into account the size of the population of the Member States, as well as the need for a minimum level of representation of European citizens from smaller countries. This is the principle of "degressive proportionality", enshrined in the Treaty on European Union. This means that while smaller countries have fewer MEPs than larger countries, MEPs from larger countries represent a larger number of citizens than their counterparts from smaller countries.

The minimum number of seats in the European Parliament per country is six and the maximum is 96.


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