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"Experience, See, Dance!" at the Druga Strefa Theater - from August 2

The Druga Strefa Theatre in Warsaw is organising a three-day dance festival under the slogan "Experience, See, Dance!". From 2nd to 4th August, there will be shows, performances and dance spectacles that will move hearts - Sylwester Biraga, director of the Druga Strefa Theatre, informed PAP.

Performance "UNE PETITE HYSTÉRIE". Photo.

The review will begin on August 2 at 7 p.m. on the stage of the Druga Strefa Theatre with a presentation of "Une Petite Hystérie" performed by Anna Paszek. "This is a three-part performance about hysteria - a medical, social and cultural phenomenon that disappeared from the register of mental illnesses for good only at the end of the 20th century" - we read in the information sent.

"The performance evokes the characters of three women, including one of the most famous rebels and "hysterics" Ida Bauer (pseudonym Dora). It was in her that Sigmund Freud diagnosed in 1900 with the so-called "small hysteria" and treated her unsuccessfully for seven weeks" - it was written.

It was recalled that Anna Paszek is a representative of live art, performer, born in 1983, graduate of MA Live Art at QMUL in London. "Participant of numerous international workshops and festivals, trained as a linguist and lawyer. Enthusiast of new technologies. As part of her artistic practice, she deals with issues of community, justice, systems of power and control, in particular how they affect weaker groups," the information wrote. about an artist.

It was noted that "in her work with the body, she primarily uses text, voice and storytelling."

The performance is intended for viewers over 15 years of age.

On August 3 at 7 p.m., the performance "Unearthing" will be shown at the Druga Strefa Theater. "Inspired by darkness, bodies merging and exploding during the exhibition "Dancing in Darkness", Sibylle Rupert, Maja Mirek and Borys Jaźnicki deal with shifting and transforming the boundaries between individuals and species. They draw on ancient myths in which people are hunted and transformed into animals," we read in the description of the performance.

As explained, the performance was created in cooperation between the dance department of Stadttheater Giessen and Kunsthalle Giessen. Its premiere took place on November 21, 2023 at the Kunsthalle Giessen.

"Maja Mirek is a journalist driven by a desire to heal the world. After obtaining a master's degree in interactive media, Maja changed her life through dance. In 2020, she completed her dance studies at the Royal Conservatory of Antwerp and the Anton Bruckner Privatuniversität Linz, while dancing for the Editt Braun Company in Salzburg and other dance companies in Europe," it was written about the artist.

It was explained that "since 2021, she has been working at the Stadttheather Giessen under the artistic direction of Constantin Hochkeppel." "She works in various areas as a choreographer, dancer, teacher, photographer, and manager of a jazz bar with live music," it was added.

Borys Jaźnicki is an actor, a graduate of the Aleksander Zelwerowicz Theatre Academy in Warsaw. "For several years he worked as a freelancer in Warsaw theatres, including collaborating with Andriej Konczałowski, Mariusz Treliński and Anna Augustynowicz. Since 2012 he has been regularly collaborating with Marta Górnicka's "Chór Kobiet" ensemble on projects such as "REQUIEMACHINE" (2013), "Konstytucja na Chór Polaków" (2015) and "Hymn do Miłości" (2017)" - it was written.

It was emphasized that "in 2016 he graduated in contemporary dance and has since developed training combining theater, dance, physical theater and visual and performing arts." "From the 2022/23 season he has been part of the dance ensemble at the Stadttheater Giessen" - it was explained in the information sent.

The performance is addressed to viewers over 15 years of age.

In Morskie Oko Park on August 4 at 6:00 p.m. 19 Kamil Wawrzuta will present "Dance in the Park". "Let the artist Kamil Wawrzuta carry you away to dance surrounded by the beauty of Morskie Oko Park. The performance "Dance in the Park" is not just a performance, but an experience that will captivate the senses and invite you to a moment of pause" - we read in the announcement.

As noted, "through movement and the art of dance, the artist sensitizes the audience to the experience of space, its architecture and nature". "Dancing becomes not only an art, but also a way to express yourself, establish relationships with the environment and discover the beauty that lies in simplicity," it added.

""Dance in the Park" is a performance for all those who want to go beyond the patterns, experience something exceptional, immerse themselves in the beauty of nature and discover new layers of sensitivity. It is an invitation to create together, to stop for a moment and to find harmony with yourself and the world around you" - it was written in the information about the performance

Choreography and performance by Kamil Wawrzuta.

The performance is intended for viewers over 12 years of age. Admission to the performance is based on free tickets. (PAP)

source - PAP


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