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Flood alarm in Silesia

Heavy rains paralyzed parts of the region

As a result of heavy rainfall, the mayor of Bielsko-Biała announced a flood alarm in the city on Tuesday. The downpours caused flooding of many roads, properties and buildings, and firefighters received hundreds of calls for help. The destruction included the bus depot and the State Archives building. The water also blocked many roads and disrupted rail traffic.

On Tuesday morning, the crisis committee met at the City Hall in Bielsko-Biała. As a result of the meeting, the mayor of the city decided to announce a flood alarm. The situation is still dynamic and the next staff meeting is scheduled for the afternoon.

The Bielsko city guard reported flooded streets, including: Polish Red Cross under the railway viaduct, Żywiecka at the intersection with ks. Stanisław Stojałowski and tunnels on Cieszyńska. Firefighters intervened over 740 times, mainly in cases of flooded basements, garages and roads. Water flooded, among others, bus depot and gas station on Andersa Street.

About 200 firefighters are working to remove the effects of the storm. Officials warn that fire brigade telephones may be overloaded, but reports of flooding can also be forwarded to the city's crisis headquarters.

Floods also affected nearby communes, such as Jasienica, Kozy, Wilamowice and Jaworze, where many houses and roads were flooded. Also in Małopolska, and especially in Kraków, many properties and streets were under water. Małopolska firefighters recorded hundreds of interventions, including pumping water from flooded basements and properties and unblocking culverts.

Level three alerts are in force in the region for heavy rain and thunderstorms, as well as hydrological warnings about river floods. In Małopolska, the alarm levels were exceeded, among others: in Prądnik in Ojców and Stryszawka in Sucha Beskidzka.


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