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Law and Justice publish a spot about CPK

This is a great development opportunity for our country - these are the words that begin the election clip of the largest party in the Polish Sejm. Law and Justice emphasizes the advantages of the Central Communication Port project.

"YES TO INVESTMENT" - this is the slogan under which Jarosław Kaczyński's party enters the European Parliament elections and publishes a short spot dedicated to CPK.

- The transport hub, the new railway and road network will be the engine of Poland's economic growth for the coming decades. The infrastructure of the Central Communication Port will generate almost PLN 200 billion in revenues from transshipment of goods by 2060. The investment itself will pay off after 12 years

we hear in the video.

Despite this, Donald Tusk's coalition continues to block the creation of this key project. Strategic investments must continue across divisions.

emphasizes Law and Justice. The video ends with the slogan "YES TO INVESTMENT"

Spot is available here:


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