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Local Government Day with the participation of the Presidential Couple

Mainly young councilors who took up their seats for the first time after the April local government elections, but also very experienced local government officials, were invited to this year's celebration of Local Government Day at the Presidential Palace.

The Presidential Couple with local government officials, photo: KPRP

– There are those among you who have been working for their local Poland, regional Poland, and for the entire Republic of Poland from the very beginning – for its development – ​​said Andrzej Duda, thanking those gathered at the ceremony for their hard work. – After years of local government service, Poland looks completely different than 34 years ago, when we escaped from Soviet captivity – he emphasized. The president also thanked local government officials for everything they, as he said, "did for our neighbors from Ukraine who were fleeing the war."

At the same time, he asked them for more years of service because "Poland needs this activity very much." – Each of your small homelands is part of our great homeland – Poland – emphasized the President of the Republic of Poland.

The ceremony was also attended by, among others: Deputy Head of the KPRP Piotr Ćwik and Secretary of State in the KPRP Wojciech Kolarski.

During the ceremony, state awards were presented for outstanding contributions to local government in Poland.

source - KPRP


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