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On average Poles spent PLN 250 per person on Easter shopping

Photo PAP/Zenon Żybutowicz

The range of PLN 200-300 was the most frequently chosen by respondents.

Research by UCE Research and the Offerista Group shows that 17.3 Poles spent this amount on food shopping for the Easter this year. It was mentioned more often by men than women.

13.9 percent of respondents declare that they have spent over PLN 500 per person.

10.7 percent of those questioned answered that they spent an amount in the range of PLN 300-400.

9.7 percent claim that the amount is in the range of PLN 400-500.

9.3 percent of respondents say between PLN 100 and 150.

8.1 percent answer that it is an amount between PLN 50 and 100.

The answers indicate that Poles are still afraid of inflation and are saving. There is no significant increase in holiday spending.


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