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Podkarpacie against exclusion from plans to build fast rail connections

The Podkarpackie Voivodeship Board expressed its strong disregard to the exclusion of Podkarpacie from plans to build fast rail connections as part of the Central Communication Port (CPK).

photo: UMWP press office

A press conference was held on this matter at the PKP Jasionka-Lotnisko station, right next to the airport, attended by the province marshal Władysław Ortyl, vice-marshals Piotr Pilch and Karol Ożóg, and board members Małgorzata Jarosińska-Jedynak and Anna Huk. Also present were MPs Ewa Leniart and Rafał Weber from the Parliamentary Team for the Development of Podkarpacie.

Marshal Ortyl: Origin matters

Marshal Władysław Ortyl emphasized that the new government's plans for fast rail connections raise many concerns, as they exclude Podkarpacie from this transport network. The connections proposed earlier by the Law and Justice (PiS) government within the 10 so-called spokes were to open up the Podkarpacie province and give it a chance for fast connections with the capital. Marshal Ortyl noted that the communication system that was to serve access to the CPK is included in the province's strategy and is essential for modern communication solutions in the region.

MP Ewa Leniart: CPK as a multimodal hub

During the conference, MP Ewa Leniart emphasized that the CPK in the version planned by PiS was to be a multimodal hub, combining road, rail and air transport. Spoke no. 6, planned for completion by 2030, was to connect Rzeszów with Warsaw, reducing travel time to two hours and 15 minutes. Leniart noted that the plans of the current government of Donald Tusk lack both this spoke and other infrastructure investments in Podkarpacie, which means stagnation and lack of development for the region.

Deputy Marshal Piotr Pilch: We do not accept exclusion

Deputy Marshal Piotr Pilch drew attention to the negative effects of the lack of modernization of railway lines, such as the line from Przemyśl. He stressed that the decisions of the current government are very unfavourable for the residents of Podkarpacie and appealed for the region to be restored to the map of fast rail connections. Pilch pointed out that the lack of a direct connection between Rzeszów and Warsaw creates a "railway blank spot" in south-eastern Poland.

MP Rafał Weber: Podkarpacie must develop in terms of communication

MP Rafał Weber emphasised that the current government plans exclude eastern regions, such as Podkarpacie and Lublin, from important rail investments. He noted that the previous PiS government planned sustainable rail development, which included, among others, the modernisation of the line between Rzeszów and Łętownia. Weber appealed for the continuation of these investments, which are key to the development of the region.

Małgorzata Jarosińska-Jedynak: Let's use European funds

Małgorzata Jarosińska-Jedynak emphasised that European funds should be used in a sustainable manner in order to develop all regions of Poland. She noted that the lack of investment in Podkarpacie is a denial of the idea of ​​sustainable development of the country. Jarosińska-Jedynak called for actions to restore Podkarpacie to the map of fast rail connections, which is crucial for the further development of the region and its integration with the rest of the country.

The Board of the Podkarpackie expressed its strong opposition to the government's plans, which exclude the region from the development of rail infrastructure. According to the board, these decisions are unfair and unfair to the residents of Podkarpacie, who are losing the chance to improve their quality of life and economic development.


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