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Poland chose. We know the results of the European Parliament elections

The Civic Coalition won the elections to the European Parliament, obtaining 37.06 percent of support - according to full data published on the website of the National Electoral Commission. Law and Justice came second with 36.16 percent. Confederation took third place, supported by 12.08 percent of voters.

This year, 720 MEPs were elected in all EU countries (

On Monday morning, the National Electoral Commission published on its website the official results of Sunday's elections to the European Parliament, after counting votes from all 31,830 districts.

Support for political parties

The Civic Coalition won the most support, obtaining 37.06 percent of the votes. Right behind it was Law and Justice with 36.16 percent. Confederation took third place, supported by 12.08 percent of voters.

Results of other groups

Third Way was fourth with support of 6.91 percent, and Left was fifth with 6.3 percent.

Voter turnout

The turnout in the European Parliament elections was 40.65 percent, which proves that voters are very interested in voting.

Source: National Electoral Commission


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