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Police – water safety

Out of concern for safety, the police appeal for particular caution in water areas. Let us remember that water is an element that can pose a huge threat to our life and health. During the first weekend of the holidays this year. 6 people drowned, including 2 children! Since April 1, 94 drownings have been recorded in the country, while 156 have been recorded since the beginning of the year!

Police - appeal for water safety, photo: KGP

Water is a great place for rest and recreation, but it remains an element that requires basic safety and common sense!

There is a predicted heat wave ahead of us, which will undoubtedly encourage swimming. Let us remember that we are primarily responsible for our own safety and it depends to a large extent on following the basic rules:

  1. bathe only in a place designated for this purpose, which is appropriately marked and where a lifeguard supervises your safety,

  2. do not enter the water while warm, before entering, let's run the water over the chest, neck, nape and legs - this will avoid thermal shock,

  3. never enter the water or swim after drinking alcohol,

  4. when deciding to swim outdoors, do not stray too far from the shoreline,

  5. let's take care of the safety of the youngest and do not leave them alone in the water,

  6. When staying by the water, pay attention to the people next to you. It may turn out that someone will need our help. If we can help him, let's do it, but within our capabilities. If we do not feel up to it, we should immediately alert the services (emergency number 112) and other people.

  7. If you know of dangerous places in waters where swimming is common, you can report it to the National Safety Threat Map.

Let's not let the holiday carefreeness make us forget about the safety of ourselves and our loved ones!

source - KGP


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