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President in Dalian: I encourage you to invest in Poland

President Andrzej Duda, who took part in the summer edition of the World Economic Forum in Dalian today, encouraged investment in Poland. He emphasized that Poland is a country of successful economic transformation, a growth leader and an excellent place for investment.

President of the Republic of Poland Andrzej Duda at the forum in Dalian, photo: KPRP

Speaking about Poland's development, the President emphasized that by opening our economy to foreign investments, we attracted capital, knowledge and new technologies. He added that this significantly accelerated Poland's dynamic economic growth.

I encourage all of you to take a closer look at the opportunities that we, as Poland, offer today. Poland is safe, stable, a promising location for foreign capital and foreign investments, Poland guarantees a non-discriminatory business environment - said the President during the opening session of the 15th annual meeting of New Leaders of the Summer World Economic Forum.

Andrzej Duda assured that those willing to run a business in Poland and invest in Poland can count on a wide and generous range of support instruments, including grants and tax reliefs.

The President also encouraged people to be interested in the Three Seas Initiative and the investment opportunities this format offers. He pointed out that the Three Seas countries have been implementing investments to strengthen our region in the transport, energy and digital dimensions for almost ten years, as well as consistently expanding the regional road and railway infrastructure, gas interconnectors and ports.

– I invite you to Warsaw, where the next Summit of the Three Seas countries will be held in April next year, as well as the Business Initiative Forum – Andrzej Duda invited.

The theme of the 15th annual meeting of New Leaders of the World Economic Forum, which was organized this year in Dalian, is: Next Frontiers for Growth. The event is attended by over 1,500 politicians, representatives of business, governments, international organizations, civil society, as well as outstanding entrepreneurs, innovators and scientists. The six key thematic modules during the meeting are: New Global Economy; China and the World; Entrepreneurship in the Age of Artificial Intelligence; New Frontiers for Industry; Investing in People; Connecting Climate, Nature and Energy.

source - KPRP


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