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Professor Jadwiga Staniszkis passed away

Prof. Jadwiga Staniszkis, Polish sociologist and political commentator, died yesterday. For many years she supported and sympathized with Law and Justice, criticizing the moves of the Civic Platform.

Professor Jadwiga Staniszkis, photo: YouTube

After PiS returned to power in 2015, she was quite harsh towards Jarosław Kaczyński's party. Information about the death was provided to PAP by Joanna Staniszkis - daughter.

Staniszkis withdrew from public life a few years ago. Professor Staniszkis' daughter, Joanna, said in November 2023 in an interview with "Wprost" that her mother is seriously ill and suffers from Alzheimer's.

- Contact with her is very difficult, she doesn't speak. This is an unpleasant topic for me, said Joanna Staniszkis.

The funeral of Professor Jadwiga Staniszkis will take place on 25 of April at the cemetery in Podkowa Leśna.


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