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Reconstruction of the Government is upcoming

The government is to be reconstructed on May 10, which will be forced by the participation of several PO ministers in the European Parliament.

Borys Budka from the Ministry of Assets, Marcin Kierwiński - The Ministry of Internal Affairs and Administration, Bartłomiej Sienkiewicz, Ministry of Culture and National Heritage and Jacek Protas from Ministry of Development Funds and Regional Policy - announced their participation in the elections.

The list doesn't end here. The media report that Krzysztof Hetman from the Ministry of Development and Technology, as well as Krzysztof Śmiszek, Deputy Minister of Justice, and Joanna Scheuring-Wielgus - Deputy Minister of Culture and National Heritage, will also run for the mandate of MEP

Most likely, according to PAP, Tomasz Siemoniak will replace Kierwiński in the Ministry of Interior and Administration and at the same time will continue to be the coordinator of special services

The newspaper emphasized that "less is known about the appointment of the remaining two platform ministries - culture and state assets." It was pointed out that in the context of the search for a new head of the Ministry of Culture and National Heritage, the most frequently mentioned names were: Paweł Kowal, Andrzej Wyrobiec, Małgorzata Kidawa-Błońska.


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