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Strength of Polish sea ports is growing

Turnover of cargo in Polish ports in 2023 increased by 14.3%. during the one year.

Data on transshipment in Polish ports was presented by the Central Statistical Office. Cargo turnover increased, but passenger traffic and the number of goods transported by Polish carriers decreased.

According to the Central Statistical Office data, Polish ports are dominated by bulk liquid goods (e.g. crude oil) - 39.1% (an increase of 36.7% y/y), and bulk dry goods (such as coal) - 33.6%. (increase by 0.5% y/y) and large containers 19.8%. (an increase of 18% y/y).

However, there was a decline in general cargo (-10.2% y/y) and rolling cargo (-10.2% y/y).

Transit cargo turnover in 2023 amounted to 22.8 million tons, which means an increase of 40.6%. compared to 2022. Here, the leader among Polish ports is Gdańsk (64.8% of turnover), the Central Statistical Office reported.

In 2023, national maritime trade amounted to a total of 132 million tonnes, including mainly trade with European (63.5%) and African ports (16%). In turn, the share of trade with Asian ports was 6.6%, and North American ports - 6.9%. and southern 6.1 percent - added the Central Statistical Office.

Transit cargo turnover in 2023 amounted to 22.8 million tons and increased by 40.6% compared to the previous year.

The Central Statistical Office also reported that Polish passenger shipping transported 576.9 thousand in 2023. passengers, and car 259.8 thousand (recording a decline of 16.9 y/y). The Poland-Sweden route dominates passenger traffic.

The shipbuilding industry also saw a decline in production. Data from the Central Statistical Office show that in 2023, the order portfolio of Polish shipyards amounted to 5 ships, while last year this number was 8. In 2022, the shipyards participated in the repair of 571 ships, and in 2023 - 458.

The Polish fishing fleet did not decrease over the year, but the amount of fish caught from the Baltic Sea decreased. In 2023 it was 94.9 thousand. tons of fish, which is a decrease of 13.6%. Baltic fishing has seen a decline in popularity in favor of deep-sea fishing (in the Pacific or North Atlantic Ocean); an increase in catches in these places by 23.9% is observed.

The main species caught by Polish fishermen in the Baltic Sea are sprats (37.5% of all caught), and in deep-sea fishing - blue whiting (43.2%) and Chilean horse mackerel (37.1%).

source:, PAP


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