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Support for roadside shrines in Małopolska

65 shrines to be renovated

The local government of Małopolska allocated PLN 1 million from this year's voivodeship budget to co-finance the renovation of roadside chapels. Thanks to these funds, 65 shrines, roadside crosses and figures of saints will be saved throughout the region.

Funds for renovation and maintenance of roadside shrines are distributed as part of the annual "Chapels of Małopolska" competition. It is addressed to local governments undertaking conservation, restoration or construction work on historic chapels. Renovated objects do not have to be included in the register of monuments, but they should have artistic and historical values.

The aim of the competition is to preserve valuable objects that constitute an important element of the region's cultural heritage for future generations.

According to Iwana Gibas from the board of the Malopolska Voivodeship, thanks to the support of the voivodeship government, 65 historic chapels, figures of saints and roadside crosses will undergo thorough conservation this year. The pool of funds allocated for this purpose will amount to PLN 1 million.

One commune or poviat could submit a maximum of one object from its area to the competition. Local governments could also report work carried out on chapels that are privately owned - provided that they establish cooperation with their owners, e.g. parishes, monasteries or religious associations.

The maximum funding amount was PLN 40,000, and should not exceed 60%. costs of carrying out all the work.

source: PAP


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