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  • Zdjęcie autoraAlmi

The device containing radioactive selenium was lost

According to the State Atomic Energy Agency in Nowa Huta, a flaw detector that contains radioactive selenium has gone missing. The device is used for radiographic examinations.


Flaw detector, photo: PAA

It weighs 6-8 kg, is approx. 30 cm long, 20 cm wide and 15 cm high.

Therefore, PAA appeals and warns not to open the flaw detector under any circumstances. Even short-term contact with an unshielded radioactive source inside may pose a threat to human health and life.

The police and the voivode's services were involved in the search for the device.

If the device is found, secure the place against access by unauthorized persons and immediately notify the Police, the Provincial Crisis Management Center in Krakow or the PAA Radiation Emergency Center. In case of direct contact with an uncovered source removed from the device, there is a risk of receiving high doses of radiation in a very short time, which may pose a threat to life and health.



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