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The First Lady and the Studio Wschód Foundation

The President's wife, Agata Kornhauser-Duda, met with volunteers and the authorities of the Studio Wschód Foundation.

First Lady Agata Kornhauser-Duda with representatives of the Studio Wschód Foundation, photo: KPRP

For over two years, the Foundation's trips and activities have been dominated by the war in Ukraine. Volunteers who previously collected symbolic zlotys to clean up graves are now helping war victims, including our compatriots. The Foundation takes care of many people in Ukraine, to whom it constantly provides food and medicine parcels. Last year, she provided humanitarian aid in Ukraine 39 times, and this year already 18 times. Volunteers also visit soldiers fighting on the front.

Thank you very much for all the work you do, which is extremely important and needed in such difficult times in which we live, she said.

On the occasion of the upcoming International Children's Day, the Foundation gave gifts to the children of the Children's Home - from the vicinity of Mariupol in Transcarpathia.

The Wife of the President of the Republic of Poland met the children staying there at the beginning of March 2022. A few weeks ago, the Foundation found them in the Caritas center near Uzhhorod. During this visit, the children recalled meeting the First Lady when they visited Poland and the unforgettable emotions that accompanied this visit. The President of the Foundation, Grażyna Orłowska-Sondej, presented the President's Wife with mascots that were handmade by the children of the Children's Home.

During the meeting, the First Lady, accompanied by the deputy head of the National Security Bureau, Brig. Res. Mirosław Wiklik talked about the activities undertaken so far, such as: training of Ukrainian volunteer firefighters, which contributed to the creation of the structures of this formation in Ukraine, regular Polish language courses for women who are escaping from the war and want to work in Poland, training of medics, transports gifts given to the inhabitants of Ukraine and soldiers fighting on the front, and many other initiatives.

Addressing the younger guests and volunteers, the President's Wife emphasized that the sight of such young people devoting their free time to providing selfless help is extremely uplifting.

In 2010, a project called "Save your great-grandfather's grave from oblivion." Over 200,000 students took part in its implementation, collecting symbolic zlotys each year to clean up Polish cemeteries in the East. During the holidays, young people cleaned up the graves of their ancestors in the Borderlands. Many of them found places where their grandparents and great-grandparents lived.

I am glad that there are so many young people who want to devote their time to save the graves of their ancestors, inhabitants of the former Kresy, from oblivion. This is a very valuable contribution to preserving the memory of our history, our roots and our identity. Seeing so many young people fills me with joy, she said.

The visit of volunteers and the authorities of the Studio Wschód Foundation was primarily an opportunity to provide material assistance, which, in response to the Foundation's request, was offered by the President's Wife. The gifts will go to the most needy children from Mariupol and currently staying in Uzhhorod, Ukraine.

I would like to thank you with all my heart for this extraordinary work and for your daily dedication. Please continue your actions, said the First Lady, turning to the gathered guests and wishing them perseverance.

The meeting at the Presidential Palace was also attended by Fr. Leszek Kryża from the Council of the Team for Aid to the Church in the East.

Since the beginning of the war, the Studio Wschód Foundation has been collecting and transferring aid to Ukraine in the form of food, sweets and toys, medicines and dressings for soldiers, mattresses, sleeping bags and gas stoves for the injured civilian population close to the front.

It also organizes transports for Poles (just like before the war) living in Bukovina, Volhynia, around Zhytomyr, Khmelnytsky and Kamianets-Podilskyi. Last year they transported over 40 tons of gifts.

source - KPRP


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