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The most popular President of the Republic of Poland

According to a SW Research survey for, Aleksander Kwaśniewski is considered the best president elected in general elections after 1989. The distance between the politician and the next person on the podium is 21.1 percentage points. A large percentage of people were also dissatisfied with any of the presidents elected up to now.

Aleksander Kwaśniewski, Lech Wałęsa, Andrzej Duda, Lech Kaczyński (fot. Facebook i prezydent.pll

"Poland after 1989 had five presidents elected in general elections. Who do you rate most highly?" - this question was asked in a SW Research survey conducted for

  • The best marks in the survey were obtained by Aleksander Kwaśniewski, who was picked out by 34.9% of respondents.

  • The current president, Andrzej Duda, is the runner-up with 13.8% support.

  • Lech Kaczyński was right behind him, winning 11% of the votes.

  • The lowest ratings were obtained by Lech Wałęsa (6.9%) and Bronisław Komorowski (3.9%).

  • A large number of respondents were unable to choose any of the candidates.

  • 17.7% of respondents answered "I have no opinion", and 10.9% said that they "do not evaluate any of the current presidents positively".



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