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The opening of Army Museum

On April 22, 1920, by decree of the Commander-in-Chief, Marshal of Poland Józef Piłsudski, the Army Museum was established. Its director was Bronisław Gembarzewski - a military historian, museologist, and long-time director of the National Museum in Warsaw (from 1916 to 1936).

Hussar armor - Polish Army Museum, photo: Wikipedia

The Army Museum was opened by General Józef Haller. It was in April 1922. From 1933, the museum was located in a building on Aleje Jerozolimskie in Warsaw.

J. Piłsudski's decree on the establishment of the Army Museum, photo: Wikipedia

Part of the collection presented in the museum came from Wincenty Krasiński's Polish military memorabilia collected since the first half of the 19th century. In 1939, it featured over 60,000 works. exhibits. During the German occupation they were taken to Germany. Most of the museum rooms and back rooms were turned into Waffen SS warehouses.

In 1944, the facility changed its name to the Polish Army Museum, which was opened to visitors in January 1946. Recovery activities contributed to the recovery of approximately PLN 40,000. exhibits. Currently, the Museum is located in the Warsaw Citadel.

source Wikipedia


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