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The report on Polish losses during World War II awarded

President Andrzej Duda awarded the former president of the Polish National Foundation, Marcin Zarzecki, with the Silver Cross of Merit.

Marcin Zarzecki receives the Silver Cross of Merit

This is a recognition of merits for participation in the preparation of a report on the losses suffered by Poland as a result of German aggression and occupation during World War II in 1939-1945.

PNF helped, among other things, develop a list of German crimes titled: "List of Crime Scenes Committed against the Civilian Population by the Nazi Occupier on Polish Lands in 1939–1945." She also actively participated in counting war losses.

1 of September 2022, the Prime Minister's Office informed that the total losses of Poland caused by Germany amounted to PLN 6 trillion, 220 billion, 609 million.

Experts indicate that after the change of government in Poland, diplomatic efforts and procedures to obtain compensation from Germany will significantly weaken.


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